Charitable funds of the Society
The student Lyubka Lyubenova from 12 D class, from the Aprilov National High School, receives the financial prize from the fund "Tota Venkova - the revivalist" for 2019.
©Photo from the archive of WCS "Mother's Care".
In search of continuity in 1994 the fund with the name of Hadji Radka Semova was restored, it existed in the past and every year
an award and a diploma were awarded to a graduate of the Vocational School of Textile and
Fashion Design (the fund existed until the school closed).
In 1995, a fund in the name of Stefana Bogdan Gencheva (another activist and chairwoman of the Society with breaks from 1922 to 1944)
was established. The funds from this fund are intended for gifted children from various fields of science and arts. The assisted
children present themselves with dignity and return with medals and awards from competitions and contests in the country - Blagoevgrad,
Ruse, Varna and Shumen, and abroad - Portugal, Australia, USA and Indonesia.
In 2002 on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the first Bulgarian female doctor and the first scholarship holder of
the "Mother's Care" Society – Dr. Tota Venkova, the donation fund "Dr. Tota Venkova" was founded. This fund is subsequently divided into:
"Dr. Tota Venkova – the revivalist" Fund established on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of Aprilov High School. Every year this fund
donates an award and a diploma to the distinguished high school graduates from the Aprilov National High School.
Fund "Dr. Tota Venkova - the healer", which donates financial and non-financial means to the first child born on Maternity Day - January 21st.
The activity of this fund lasted two years.
In 2017, our long-time giver Lalio Metev wanted to establish a fund in the name of his mother - Elenka Hristova Meteva. The funds are donated
only by Lalio Metev and at his will are given to orphans and socially disadvantaged students. Unfortunately, after the death of Mr. Metev's mother,
the activities of this fund were terminated.
This is a small part of the huge activity of "Mother's Care", which will continue in the coming years in the name of goodness and humanity.